Battery Powered Vibrators

The first electric vibrator was invented around 1880 and was powered by a large and heavy battery. By 1900 battery powered vibrators were widely available to physicians for home and office use the early battery powered vibrators were also marketed for home medical use. Once electricity was commonly available in most homes the early battery powered units dropped off the market.

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White Cross Electric Vibrator No.8

1914 trade literature describes this as a Combination Portable Dry Cell Machine. Giving Heavy Mechanical Vibration Very Strong Faradic Electric Current and a Mild Galvanic Current. This unit is serial No 18269 operates on 12 dry cell batteries. Manufactured by Lindstrom, Smith Co. Chicago, IL

Vibro Battery Vibrator by Ash Flash

My best guess for vintage would be 1950's or early 1960's. Power is by 2 standard C cell batteries. Manufactured by the H. J. Ashe Company, Inc. South Norwalk, Conn.

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Last updated on June 23, 2005

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